Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Muster!!

We have a tradition at Texas A&M that is held each and every April 21st all over the world. It is called Aggie Muster. I believe it to be the best tradition the university has created. You need to understand that I am by no means one of those die hard, crazy Aggies, but when it comes to Muster, it is a different story. Maybe it is because I was introduced to it at a young age when my sister was the chairman of the campus event. Maybe it is because I was there for the trauma of bonfire collapse and watched my super manly Corps friends cry at the loss of a buddy. Maybe it is because I was there on September 11th and saw the pain of a classmate who could not reach her parents in New York for three days. I know my passion for the tradition was solidified when I lost my best friend from childhood my senior year. She and I met in 2nd grade and ended up rooming together our freshman year of college. It is because of her that I have my career and think of her everyday. The memories just make me smile.
Whatever the reason, Muster is one tradition I am glad to be a part of every year. So, Happy Muster!!

Happy Birthday, Lauren!! Be safe my crazy Aggie!

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