It is SO worth the 7 minutes...HAPPY MONDAY!!
Also, her story about Austin getting "two flakes of snow" reminds me of two weeks ago when "they shut the whole city down" because of pretty much the same thing. Here is a picture of the only ice I could find that day.
I'm pretty sure I've stood behind that lady in line at H.E.B.
That's the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. Dang, Ellen's awesome. Thanks so much for posting that.
Thanks! That was a great way to start off a dreary Monday morning.
A SITS Hello!
Great post!
Have a great day!
Someone sent me that MY last year at BHS! I still have it saved on my computer. So funny....and SO MUCH FUNNIER if you've lived in Texas.
OMG that was so freaking funny!! I love Ellen....and Gladys!!
Dropping by from sits.
BTW, I'm sponsoring a Valentine's Day giveaway on my blog, Zen Cupcake in case you're interested.
ahahaha! Over by way of Cate at Show My Face - and Gladys cracks me up! Love Ellen, too.
I saw this awhile ago and laugh out loud every time I think about it.
OMG a friend of mine posted this on Facebook a while back and I laughed SO HARD!! :-)
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