Thursday, June 12, 2008

6 AM – Never good

Yesterday was a little up in the air. To say the least.
My phone rang at 6:40 in the morning and it was my mom. This is NEVER a good sign! She told me that Aunt Pat died about an hour earlier. My uncle and 2 cousins decided late Tuesday night that she would not want to continue being brought back just to pass later. Together they decided to file DNR papers, so when she coded again at 4:30 (5:30 my time), they let her go. Just typing those last four words make me cry! I am so mad I could spit nails. I am so sad I just want to curl up and cry. I just want to be strong and emotionless for my mom.

I told my mom I would fly up with her later that day. Neither one of us are really good fliers, so I thought together we could tackle this fear. The onslaught of phone calls started at 7:30. My sister immediately went into planner mode and started calling airlines to “get the best rate”. We were put on stand by for probably 4 different flights. She would call me just about ever 10 minutes to tell me something else. I told my mom I could not handle my sister and asked her not to call until there was a set-in-stone plan. Sometimes my mom and I communicate better with little or no middleman. I sat and waited for a call.

My brother just happened to be off yesterday and went up to hang out with mom. Just to do whatever they needed him to do. I know mom greatly appreciated this simple act!!

My uncle told my mom to come up IMMEDIATELY! Mom told me that she could handle flying alone if I could come up Thursday. I agreed and unpacked one day of clothes.

Later that night mom called and told me to fly up with my brother early Friday morning and come back with her later. I agreed and unpacked another day of clothes.

Today has been pretty quiet. I got some sleep, picked up my dry cleaning, took Cooper to the kennel. (That is another post in itself!) I made flight arrangements for myself and watched my recording of So You Think You Can Dance. I DVRed it thinking I would be at the airport. Aunt Pat LOVED reality television, so I know she is laughing about the fact that I sat watched it in order to “stay busy”.

Those are the basics. I have been trying to write this post for the past 3 hours. I have a lot to say, but can not manage to type it. Maybe some other time.


Christy said...

I'm sorry Coll. This sucks. Thinking about you.

Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. Your family is definitely in my prayers.

(And I'm not surprised you watched So You Think You Can Dance...LOVE IT!)